DR: Communist Party of Labor Denounces Rights Violation

May 1, 2024 Hour: 1:16 pm

On Wednesday, the Communist Party of Labor (PCT) of the Dominican Republic said that the workers and the popular sectors of their country suffer the consequences of a general health law and a social security system built on lucrative business.


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On the occasion of Wednesday’s celebration of International Workers’ Day, the PCT said that in both cases it is a business for big finance capital since the governments handed over health to the control of the banks through the so-called Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) and the Health Risk Administrators (ARS).

Faced with this situation, the group stated in a communiqué that the call to workers is to continue the struggle for labour, social and political rights and demands, in order to achieve fair wages and an effective and quality public health service.

The PCT and the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organisations hailed May 1st as a memorable day in the struggle of the workers and peoples against exploitation, for their liberation, freedom and democracy.


 The text reads, 

Today we recognize the effort, dedication and commitment of all our collaborators within the framework of “International Workers’ Day”; which aims to promote respect for the rights of workers around the world.

In the document to which Prensa Latina had access, they point out that in Latin America the discontent of the workers and youth against imperialist exploitation and the oppression of the local oligarchies is growing.

The capitalists and their governments, they warn, refuse to grant wage increases, while cutting public spending and allocating less and less money to education and health care.

When it comes to armaments, on the other hand, they know no limits and are increasing their military budgets, they say in the document.

They maintain that the international bourgeoisie and imperialism ignore social justice and impose war on the workers and peoples of the world, while intensifying reactionary forces in order to maintain their domination.

In their statement on the occasion of Mayday, they urged the workers to unite and fight not only for fair wages and social rights, but also for peace.

Autor: teleSUR/ OSG

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